TopSpec Stud Balancer 20kg
Stud Feed Balancer is designed for broodmares, youngstock and stallions. The low sugar and starch formula will promote superb muscle and skeletal development without providing the excess calories which can result in overtopping.
Stud Feed Balancer improves the amount of nutrients a horse can extract from his total diet (forage and concentrate) in three ways:-
The amino acids, vitamins and minerals in Stud Feed Balancer balance the deficiencies of these nutrients in forage and straights/blends, compared to the requirements of the horse, improving their utilisation.
ii) The pure, protected yeast probiotic in Stud Feed Balancer optimises the digestion of fibre in the hindgut, allowing the horse to gain more benefit from the diet. Research has shown that the specific yeast used by TopSpec significantly improves both total feed and fibre digestibility in the horse.
iii) Another useful yeast product in Stud Feed Balancer, called a prebiotic, is mannan oligosaccharides (MOS). This is a constituent of yeast cell walls. It bonds with pathogenic (bad) bacteria, removing them from the gut, leaving the beneficial bacteria free to multiply and therefore digest fibre more efficiently.
This all means that breeding stock can receive optimum nutrition from reduced levels of hard feed, with many resulting benefits. Stud Feed Balancer greatly improves hoof, skin and coat quality. It also helps to maintain appetite. It moderates the effects of stress on horses and helps to maintain a healthy immune system.