NAF Five Star Respirator 1kgNutritional SupportGood For HypersensitivitySupports Respiratory System Supports Delicate Blood Vessels Around Lungs

The Five Star Respirator from NAF provides valuHorse Vitamins & SupplementsNAFMcCaskieStar Respirator 1kg

NAF Five Star Respirator 1kg

Nutritional Support
Good For Hypersensitivity
Supports Respiratory System
Supports Delicate Blood Vessels Around Lungs

The Five Star Respirator from NAF provides valuable nutritional support to the respiratory system as well as providing support to the delicate capillary blood vessels that surround the lungs themselves. This supplement contains a high level of anti oxidants which is vital is aiding support to the horses lungs and well being; we would recommend this feed supplement to horses with hypersensitivities or those who are prone to agitation from airborne irritants such as dust, mould and pollen.

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